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The Family Remains

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

Lisa Jewell is back with a page-turner of a sequel to The Family Upstairs!

The Family Remains is the highly anticipated sequel to Lisa Jewell's chilling The Family Upstairs. Y'all, I devoured it!

I don't want to say too much for fear of spoilers, but the book revisits Lucy, her life with her kids, and being back in London, living with her brother Henry and making up for lost time with Libby. The search is on for Phin so that Libby might meet her birth father when a mudlark discovers human bones on the bank of the River Thames and a police investigation ensues. The investigation leads back to the Chelsea mansion Libby inherited, the house of horrors where Henry, Lucy, and Phin were raised, and their parents were found dead in a group suicide thirty years ago. In addition, we meet Rachel, the second wife of Lucy's abusive ex-husband Michael, who must answer questions for the French police to help solve Michael's murder. These threads intertwine and converge, making for an unputdownable psychological thriller.

Jewell breathes so much life into her characters that they feel real, which was helpful with the multiple POVs. Being inside Henry's head is darkly fascinating. He is broken, obsessive, deluded, desperate, and contriving, which makes him somewhat unpredictable and a lot of fun to read! I also found DCI Owusu and his ability to read people so compelling that I'd love to see him again.

If you enjoyed The Family Upstairs, you will not want to miss this gripping sequel! Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read this ARC.

My steep was Marco Polo by Mariage Freres, an organic black tea with red fruit and floral flavorings. In the U.S., I purchase Mariage Freres teas at The Cultured Cup

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